Waving TV

Here you will find lectures/round tables/interviews/podcasts with the collaborators,creators and contributors of the project.

Qui troverete la “TV” che raccoglie interviste/tavole rotonde/podcasts che raccoglieranno contributi degli attori interni ed esterni del progetto.

EPISODIO V: EUROCEAN CONFERENCE VIGO 23 // Session 5:Changing humanity’s Relationship with the Ocean: Art as an agent of Change

The EurOCEAN 2023 Conference took place in Vigo, Spain on 10-11 October 2023. It supports the EU Mission: Restore our Ocean and Waters by 2030 and the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development.
The conference was considered an official event of the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the EU (July-December 2023).
Session 5 was led by Sérgio Bryton and had presentations by Ursula Kluwick and Daniel Rey. The panel discusion was held by Guillaume Lheureux, Sonia Levy, and Letizia Artioli.

This event was co-organised by the European Marine Board (EMB), the Technology Centre of the Sea (CETMAR), the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) through the Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO-CSIC) and the Institute of Marine Research (IIM-CSIC), the European Commission, the Joint Programming Initiative on Oceans (JPI Oceans), the European Marine Research Network (EuroMarine), the European Global Ocean Observing System ​(EuroGOOS) and the European Centre for Information on Marine Science and Technology (EurOcean).

PODCAST “C’è di mezzo il Mare”:
Episode in English -2023

EN Please join us in conversation with Letizia Artioli. She is an architect and artist working between Venice and The Hague. In this interview she tells us more about the use of technology in artistic practice, sensitivity to data, and solastalgia. We also chat about her project the Climate Change Pavilion, which uses augmented reality to reveal invisible layers of climate change in Venice. Working in series of prototypes, her work helps bring awareness and sensitivity to environmental issues by making them visible and audible through integrated digital and analogue means.

VIRTUAL OCEAN PAVILION LECTURE COP28: “Connecting generations for ocean and climate action: An online workshop”-Speaker “Art as a disruptive tool to raise awareness on Ocean and Climate Change” (minute 56:00) 8-12-2023

The purpose of this workshop is to draw young people and senior professionals together to identify and prioritise key challenges relating to the ocean and climate change in diverse geographical regions of the world, generate and prioritise individual and collective actions and concrete solutions that can be taken up by individuals of all ages either on their own or as a community. These key challenges and concrete action solutions will be assembled in a digital networking tool that will help build an ocean virtual community of practice in response to different thematic challenges that the ocean and climate topic is part of. The digital tool will be relevant throughout the world and free of charge and will be presented at the United Nations Ocean Conference scheduled in June 2025 in France. This event is scheduled at COP28 during the UNFCCC thematic day: Youth, Children, Education and Skills.
Event Organizers: Nausicaa, Youth4Ocean Forum, World Ocean Network, Early Career Professionals Programme


EPISODIO I - “BUONA LA PRIMA” Round Table sulla nascita del progetto con Clemens Felix Paul Kusch (Architetto), Letizia Artioli (Ricercatrice, Founder) e Jacopo Nardi (Enologo e Founder Yeasteria)
Ringraziamo Lightbox Publishing per l’ospitalità presso gli splendidi spazi dello loro studio di Cannaregio.
IT Version - Soon subtitled in english

EPISODIO II - “INTRO//About Love” un breve estratto sul perché nasce un progetto come il Venice Climate Change Pavilion, perché dal senso di appartenenza nasce il senso di cura, e dal senso di cura ha inizio la nostra storia d’amore in quanto cittadini e abitanti dell’ecosistema Laguna.


EPISODIO III-Venice Climate Change Pavilion at Europe Maritime Day (Ravenna) 2022 // About Ocean Literacy and cultural diffusion via art&science projects


  © VeniceClimateChangePavilion 2024