V E N I C E ︎
C L I M A T E ︎
C H A N G E ︎
P A V I L I O N ︎
Venice Climate Change Pavilion is a non-profit project born in March 2021, counting on the precious contribution of audacious and beautiful minds inhabiting Venice (and beyond) and connecting the Lagoon to the bodies of water of Planet Earth.
A special thanks to all Venice and beyond inhabitants and wanderers, dreamers, world changers who helps us.
We are more than happy to see this project grow through new approaches and make this project’s interdisciplinary network grow bigger and more hybrid. Through knowledge and practice sharing, experimenting together, floating in the interconnectedness of the Hydroshpere, from the Lagoon to the Ocean.
Venice Climate Change Pavilion è un progetto non-profit nato a Marzo 2021 a Venezia, grazie al prezioso contributo delle menti audaci, sognatrici, poetiche che caratterizzano la città.
Un ringraziamento speciale ai Veneziani (foresti, adottati e non) che hanno permesso a questo progetto di nascere grazie alle loro visioni lungimiranti e innovative. E’ volontà e sogno vedere questo progetto crescere,ibridarsi e diventare un contributo per la costruzione della Venezia che si vuole proteggere e vivere, dalla laguna all’Oceano, condividendo pratiche, conoscenza, ibridando sogni per una Idrosfera possibile..
Letizia Artioli
.Clemens Felix Paul Kusch - Architect and writer,founder of CFK Architetti
.Ludovica Montecchio - Research Collaborator,MA Environmental Humanities
.Ludovica Ballarin - Performer and MA Environmental Humanities
.Jacopo Zanessi - Artist and Director of photography+ filmmaker
.Esmeralda Spitaleri - Communication Manager
.Rachele Cominella- Maestro in Scenotecnica, Light Designer
.Jacopo Nardi-Enologo/Laguna nel Bicchiere consultant, Yeasteria Founder
.XRE Ensemble NY - Anne Whichmann and Clara Francesca Pagone, Curators, Founders and Artists
.Francesca Guarnotta - Lazzaretto Vecchio and VeniceCalls
.Mattia Amadio-PhD Science and Management of Climate Change; Hazard and Risk consultant
.Michele Santoro Teatino-Phd candidate in studi Storici Geografici e Antropologici XXXVI Ciclo
.Marco Romio -Phd in Storia delle Società, delle Istituzioni e del Pensiero dal Medioevo all’Età Contemporanea (Università degli studi di Trieste)
.Daniel Schwan -Lektor, Romanistik Master Ludwig-Maximilians Universitat Munchen
.Eleonora Preziosi - MArchitecture IUAV - Commons Researcher
Francesco Manicardi,Software Engineer
Riccardo Benaglia,Senior Data Scientist
AR- SOUND DESIGN 001-002-003:
The voice track has been generated by voice-generators AI
Music composed by ATŌMI
Prototype 001- “OM”
Prototype 002- “UNVEIL”
Prototype 003 -“IAM”
Tracks from - ARMØNIA EP
DoppioFondo Venezia
Micoud Lab,Venezia
VCCP is a project created by Letizia Artioli started under EMC2 Enterprise Moving Creative Culture Grant (EU Culture Diffusion Program/CFP Bauer/Afol Met) in May 2021 in collaboration with CFK Architetti .
VCCP has been selected as part of EU4Ocean Maritime Forum EU program, Youth4Ocean Forum Virtuos Projects for Youth’s Marine and Climate Action.
A special thanks to Guillaume Lheureux, Anna Maria Marino, Sara Granchinho and Iwona Gin for their special support and faith in the project in the EU and Ocean Literacy framework, without your support and kindness all this would not have been possible. Courage for a blue “lagunarian” planet!