imagine:// 24 September 23 / Oasi Dune Alberoni,Lido di Venezia // VENEZIA (IT)// Planet Earth

“The Shifting Sands of Reflection” is an AR sculpture created by the Venice Climate Change Pavilion specifically inspired by Camila Le-Bert's play "Mirror Mirror." This digital art piece spotlights sand as a symbol of climate migration and social inequality. As the play expands in the dunes, the digital sculpture floats above, refracting, reflecting and dimmering the existing landscape of Dune Alberoni. Using a 3D macro-photogrammetry of sand grains, the sculpture creates a third landscape made of mirrored images from the play, where characters are suspended on sandy shores, eat sand-covered berries, and thirst for freshwater. Sand, the essential matter for both skyscrapers and mirrors, becomes a metaphor.

Each rotating sand grain refracts light, forming a mesmerizing floating dance. This embodies the ever-changing paradigm akin to life's unpredictability. “In shifting sands” in an idiom that reflects adaptability amidst life's uncertainties, emphasizing change as the only constant.

Cambiamenti di Rotta- Climate Change Theater Action 2023
24 September 2023
from 10:00am / Oasi WWF Dune Alberoni

The World Festival of Theater against Climate Change: Climate Change Theater Action, launched in 2015 in New York and held every two years, has involved, in its past editions, thousands of artists who have created initiatives in every part of the world.

This year the fifth edition, inaugurated on 17 September, and also in Venice Cambiamenti di Rotta – CCTA 2023 curated by Giovanni E. Morassutti, offers an interdisciplinary event scheduled for 24 September which includes various proposals: sustainable maritime mobility transport on electric boats, art, music and interventions between digital art and science at the Dune degli Alberoni Oasis on the Lido of Venice, a natural environment rich in biodiversity managed by the WWF Venice and Territory on behalf of the Municipality of Venice.

The beating heart of the event is the staging on the beach of the play mirror mirror written by Camila Le-Bert and directed by Giovanni E. Morassutti with a series of performers including Donatella Cipolato, Marco Stizza, an actor from Padua with long theatrical experience in Latin America, Giovanni Boldrin and the young activist Lavinia Busetto, part of the environmentalist movement Extinction Rebellion who will play, within the show, a symbolic role of change and hope by interacting with Lianet Camara, a native of Central America who represents the rebirth of indigenous cultures .
The involvement of activists in the show is also expected thanks to the participation of the Red Rebel brigade, a performance group with a strong emotional impact, part of the non-violent environmental movement, and the music is provided by the saxophonist Giorgio Schiavon and the double bass player Fausto Filippis.

Many art forms and artists are involved, many of whom have chosen to share their art and professionalism for free, as a demonstration of a new paradigm that must soon arrive, in which money is not the first instance, but rather the common good, like Massimo Clemente who draws inspiration by instinctively interacting with the sand, the Emotion for Change collective, which brings together a group of musicians, artists and scientists who share the desire to communicate their enchantment and love for the symphonic beauty of nature, among including the violinist of the Fenice Sara Michieletto and the saxophonist Giorgio Schiavon, Shylock University Theater Center of Venice directed by Bianca Nardon founder of the well-known international competition Climate ChanCe who also actively contributed to the realization of the event favoring a series of synergies between Morassutti and the Venetians involved in the project, the Venetian Research and Innovation District with the third stage of the AquaGranda project and Venice Climate Pavilion which created the augmented reality work The Shifting sands of reflection available to the public and inspired digital AR sculpture inspired by the play by Chilean playwright Camila Le-Bert.

There will also be interventions by researchers and Climate Change experts at the Macondo kiosk such as that of Warren Cairns, CNR researcher and one of the spokespersons of Extinction Rebellion Lianet Camara, PhD in Cultural Heritage and Territory, who will talk about how the agricultural community of Ande is tackling the problem of climate change, and Paolo Faiola, Master's Doctor in Environmental Sciences, specializing in Ecology of Climate Change, loves to disseminate and raise public awareness on the topic through art, theater and play.

“The Shifting Sands of Reflection” (“Le Sabbie Mobili del Riflesso”) è una scultura in Realtà Aumentata ideata dal Venice Climate Change Pavilion e ispirata all'opera “Mirror Mirror” di Camila Le-Bert. Quest'opera d'arte digitale interpreta la sabbia come simbolo chiave della migrazione climatica e dell'ineguaglianza sociale. Attraverso modelli 3D ingranditi di granelli di sabbia, l’opera crea un terzo paesaggio fatto di immagini riflesse della pièce, in cui i personaggi camminano sospesi su spiagge sabbiose, mangiano bacche ricoperte di sabbia e soffrono la sete per la mancanza d'acqua potabile. La sabbia, materia essenziale di creazione dai grattacieli agli specchi,nella sua forma più basilare, diventa una metafora.

Ogni granello di sabbia in rotazione rifrange la luce, formando una danza di riflessi. Quest’idea incarna il paradigma sempre mutevole dell'imprevedibilità della vita. “Essere nelle "sabbie mobili” "è un modo di dire che riflette l'adattabilità nell'incertezza della vita, sottolineando il cambiamento come unica costante."

  © VeniceClimateChangePavilion 2024